How To Hack – Beginners Guide to Hacking Computers

“ The Only True Guide to Learning How to Hack ”

originally by R4di4tion , with a few updates by myself.

You stay up all night on the PC typing and typing. No, you’re not hacking. You’re begging someone on IRC to teach you how to hack! Let’s look at the facts:

  1. You’re a luser and you’re annoying. No one likes you if you ask others how to hack without taking the least amount of initiative.
  2. You’re not worthy of any title even resembling hacker, cracker, phreaker, etc., so don’t go around calling yourself that! The more you do, the less likely you are to find someone willing to teach you how to hack (which is an infinitesimal chance, any way).
  3. You’re wasting your time (if you couldn’t infer that in the first place). Many real hackers (not those shitty script kiddies) spend all their insomniac hours reading and, yes even, HACKING! (Hacking doesn’t necessarily (but usually does) mean breaking into another system. It could mean just working on your own system, BUT NOT WINDOWS ’9x (unless you’re doing some really menacing registry shit, in which case, you’re kind of cool).)

You’re probably thinking, “Then what should I do. If no one’s going to help me, how can I learn to hack?” Have you ever tried READING (I assume this far that you are literate). Read anything and everything you can get your hands on! I recommend hitting a computer store and looking for discount books (books that are usually out of date, but so are a lot of the systems on the ‘net, so they’re still relevant!). You’ll be surprised what you can learn from a book even when you’re paying a dollar for every hundred pages. I recommend the following books to start off with:

  • Maximum Security I or II: this is not a guide to hacking, despite what you might have heard, but you can get enough info to learn the basics of how hackers hack! (Isn’t that more fun than being lamed, email bombed, and kicked off IRC).
  • Practical Unix and Internet Security (Sec. Edition): This is mostly a book about how to secure Unix (if you don’t know what Unix is, either shoot yourself now, or read O’Reilly’s Learning the Unix OS), but half of learning to hack is learning a system from the inside out. How can you expect to hack a site (w/o using a kiddie script, which i must restate, is NOT hacking) if you don’t know how to use the system?!
  • Linux Unleashed/Red Hat Linux Unleashed: these books are kind of cool. First of all, they come with Red Hat Linux (*sigh*, just go to and read everything there) 5.1 and 5.2 respectively (if you get the newest versions of the book, which you should). Read everything you can from it.
  • Sendmail in a nutshell: This is only after you read everything else. Sendmail, for those of you who still don’t know, is a program that sends mail. It sounds stupid, but this is a buggy program, and usually is the avenue of attack many hackers take because of it’s vulnerabilities.
  • TCP/IP Blueprints: this will clear up a lot of things concerning TCP/IP.
  • TCP/IP Administration: haven’t read it, but can’t wait to! (I’ve been bogged down by a lot of other REAL computer stuff).

Editor’s Note: OK, some of these books are out of date now, so I’ve striked the ones that are no longer relevent. “Hacking Exposed” is a good substitute for “Maximum Security”.

After you’ve read them all, re-read them! Trust me, you gain a ton of information the second time you read them just as you gain perspicacity the second time through a movie with a twisted plot.
Then, read a ton of RFCs. RFCs are Request for Comments by the people who practically shaped the Internet. Here is a good list of RFCs (the books above give about the same list):

Editor’s Note: Yeah, I really wouldn’t bother with the RFC’s, they can come later if you get really seriously into it.

That’s it for now. If anything else interests you about the Internet, try to look up an RFC for it. Read anything you can about Internet security in general (but not stuff like “How to Hack” (but keep reading this!)). Subscribe to mailing lists. Some of my favorites are bugtraq, happy hacker (interesting stuff), and MC2. By now, you should be advanced enough to breeze through Carolyn Meinel’s “Guide to (mostly) Harmless Hacking.” It’s got some interesting stuff, but not enough to be “3l1t3.” Okay, now for the big step: the step from lamer to hacker! If you have not already, install Linux. Now it’s okay for you to go online to usenet groups and ask for help installing Linux, ‘cuz quite frankly, it’s pretty fucking hard! NEVER, EVER, EVER expect to get it on the first try just right.

Editor’s Note: you can install cygwin to start with, it’s a small linux environment that you can run inside windows to get the feel of a shell interface.

The next thing to do is learn programming. I recommend learning C++ first because it will help you understand a lot about programming, it’s easy to use, and is a lot like the other programming languages you should also learn. Read these books:

  • Teach Yourself C++ in 21 Days: the name says it all
  • Learning Perl: an AMAZING book on learning Perl
  • Programming Perl: the next step after Learning Perl
  • Perl Cookbook: the next step after Programming Perl
  • Core Java (Volume I & II): these books are by the makers of Java. Java is a really cool language to say the least, but you should at least learn C++ before so you can understand classes.

Now, you may be saying I may have been a bit hypocritical by saying not to ask how to hack but to ask about installing Linux. The thing is that Linux people are usually pretty nice, and the people who are Linux gurus want more than anything for Linux to prosper, and are willing to help you out. Oh, by the way, if you’ve installed Linux the way you want it (which does not include throwing you Linux box out the window and yelling, “I LIKE THIS JUST FINE!”), congratulations. You have now earned my respect.

Okay, I mentioned kiddie scripts earlier, and I’ll follow up on it now. Kiddie Scripts are auto hacking programs that will do all the work for you. You don’t want that. I do condone downloading them and learning from them, but don’t become a script kiddie. The only place they go in life is jail (not where you want to be).

Now, you should know a great deal about hacking. You have a compendium of information at your fingertips with a mental index. You want the best advice? Don’t hack. Odds are, you will get caught, and then it goes down on your criminal record, and unless you did something fan-fucking-tastic, like hacking the white house security cameras and get video of Slick Willie getting a BJ, you can pretty much kiss your computer future goodbye, cuz no one will hire a convicted hacker. If you do hack, be a white hat hacker. For example, upon breaking into a site, leave a note maybe including how to contact you (not through the phones, mail, real email address etc., do it through a hotmail account or something) or how to fix it. They may be nice enough to offer you a job! That’s right, there are some people who get paid to hack and do what they love.

In conclusion, you may have noticed that this was not a real guide to hacking. That’s because there is no one resource for hacking. This was a guide to LEARNING how to hack, which, if you want to be a real hacker, you will have to do. There is no one way to hack. (If so, it would be a lot easier for system administrators to keep you out!) It’s a variety of different tricks as well as the ability to keep up with current vulnerabilities in software and hardware. You should also learn how to program. Even though Kevin Mitnick was infamous among the hacker culture for being the most wanted cracker, he couldn’t even write his own exploits! That’s pretty sad. Please use whatever information you have wisely and responsibly, and distribute it only to people who are worthy of it.

(end of article – originally by R4di4tion .)

OK, so that’s the article that first got me into hacking, I guess around 15 years ago. If you’ve read this far I congratulate you, you have my respect. A short attention span is not something prized by hackers.

And if you look at the comments to this page, you can see the same questions being asked again and again “hey pls teach me to hack”, “guys can u crack msn passwords?”, “Where can I find free ebooks?”. If you have to ask, you’re probably not the right kind of person to be a hacker. Hackers use their initiative. Like, a lot. If you’re hacking into a website and get stuck, you can’t just call up the admin and say “Hey, where’s the password file kept?” you have to figure it out on your own. In many ways, learning how to hack is also learning how to learn.

Now you’re probably thinking “hang on, you read this fifteen years ago?!?!”. Yes, it’s an old piece of text. No, you didn’t waste your time. This hacking tutorial teaches you the basics of how to hack, and those aren’t ever going to change. If you didn’t catch them the first time around, here they are again:

  1. learn to program
  2. learn how the internet works
  3. learn how unix/linux works

Go download wireshark, nmap, hping, and a C IDE and just play around with all of them. That’s what the essence of hacking is; messing around with technologies until you find something cool. Check out my Hacking Facebook post and you’ll see exactly what I mean; it’s not really “hacking” as such, all I did there was peek into facebook’s code using firebug, and I found some cool stuff. But the hacking skills are the same. Some of you will want to ask “how do I download wireshark” or “how do I use hping” – you must understand that answering the question for yourself is half the point.

I also very definitely agree with R4di4tion’s suggestion to subscribe to bugtraq but I’d suggest signing up a new email account solely for it; it’s very high volume. You may also want to sign up to the security-basics, vuln-dev, web-application-security and pen-test lists. Reading the conversations that take place on those lists is a gold-mine of hacking information.

ESR’s hacker howto

Gary Robson’s How to become a hacker

elfQrin’s open letter to wannabe hackers

donk boy’s tutorial – if you follow this you will know everything you need to

Top security tools, as voted by nmap users

Your suggestions/experiences/advice/resources/tutorials welcome.

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  1. #1 by discoverme on September 18, 2009 - 7:15 pm

    it is amazing to know ur wisdom,and actually it helps…..
    thanks for the support to hacker comunity..
    but the rudeness of the article….

  2. #2 by David on September 26, 2009 - 8:04 am

    The sardonic tone you cast through out your artical is great. Very informative and helpful to me on my quest to “learn abount learning” as you so eloquintly put it.

  3. #3 by karthikeyan on October 3, 2009 - 3:19 am

    hi friends i like to learn hacking..if u have any guide send me this id . n how to study hacking pls any one guide me.

  4. #4 by castro on October 4, 2009 - 3:07 am

    hii frndz i like to learn hacking..if u have any guide send me tis id pl help me to learn hacking.

  5. #5 by Jordy Mascarenhas on October 10, 2009 - 1:33 am

    hi guys i really need to learn hacking ….. if i wanna get a job in a sim card company … pls pls send me the guid if any one has one my id is

  6. #6 by Francis Frimpong on October 14, 2009 - 3:20 am

    hi frndz i like to learn hacking..if u have any guide send me tis id pl help me to learn hacking.

  7. #7 by Francis Frimpong on October 14, 2009 - 3:22 am

    hi guyz i like to learn hacking..if u have any guide send me tis id pl help me to learn hacking.

  8. #8 by Nelourir on October 22, 2009 - 1:22 am

    Thanx for the great article.
    I found the different books apart from Hacking Exposed. It seems that there are several versions and I am not sure if you recommend a particular one or all of them or whatever’s better.
    Could you please give me some advice?
    Thank you again for putting your time into this.

  9. #9 by Sayzor on October 26, 2009 - 10:04 am

    i am only 12 years old and i want to learn how to hack. how the fuck am i going to do?

    • #10 by m### on December 14, 2009 - 2:56 pm

      i was in that position once – then i realised, no one is going to plainly give you the answers. i wish i had discovered this article earlier, as the main theme throughout suggests – YOU need to LEARN YOURSELF, that’s not to say that you cant find hints and tips here and there if you look hard enough. Overall, what you need to do is pick something, anything. for example, start learning about html and how the internet works. progress from here to actual programming languages, such as c, java or perl. you must realise, these things are not going to happen overnight. it will take time to learn these skills, and in most cases, you will always be learning new things about them.

      the fact that you mentioned you age is irrelevant. if anything, it will actually detract from your argument by starting with “im only young, teach me how to …”.

      if you really have drive and passion for this path – you must realise that you need to use your mind. even if this means you start with looking at you surroundings and thinking about the nature of the world, this is a positive step.

      hope this helps!


  10. #11 by ND on October 30, 2009 - 1:22 pm

    thank you so much for this wonderful blog. i have only one hacking teacher-the internet. this is among, the most helpful resources avalible. i too, have a hacking blog and I know that it took me MONTHS to write it, and it isnt even a valid comparison to this blog. so, thanks for your great advice.

  11. #12 by monoj on October 31, 2009 - 9:51 am

    hi frndz i like to learn hacking..if u have any guide send me tis id pl help me to learn hacking.

  12. #13 by Alan Shaw on November 3, 2009 - 12:13 pm

    the guy who wrote this thing thinks that he is a professional hacker and acts like he is getting offended by people who are starting out. He thinks that hacking is an art and also insults our intelligence. That is a really good way to teach someone idiot.

  13. #14 by FreddyJoe on November 4, 2009 - 7:49 pm

    This is some great stuff! Thanks!

  14. #15 by Arrun on November 7, 2009 - 5:37 am

    I like to learn to hack and i trust that the best teachers are in this website!

  15. #16 by Beeman4 on November 9, 2009 - 2:57 pm

    Whoever wrote this crap to learn how to hack is a complete tard. U must be a lloser waisting ur time making a stupid website, and u think that people that hack serious shit is cool then ur an f’n loser. GET A LIFE

  16. #17 by Beeman4 on November 9, 2009 - 3:06 pm

    ur gay

  17. #18 by Beeman4 on November 9, 2009 - 3:07 pm

    hack this ===>

  18. #19 by on November 16, 2009 - 8:50 am

    hi this is an illegal action (hack) we shouldnt hack any thing TNX bye

  19. #20 by Jay on November 17, 2009 - 6:00 am

    I wish people would stop asking to send them emails on how to hack.

    Pick up an IT security book, if it tells you how to secure something, its telling you how to break it at the same time… come on its pretty logical people!

    • #21 by Steve on December 9, 2009 - 8:04 pm

      You are a dumb ass the email links are a joke you clearly know nothing.

  20. #22 by Vikas on November 20, 2009 - 11:28 am

    Hi there,

    I have been digging the net in and out to find a good hacking book, then suddenly i land on your tutorial explaing in plain basic language as what is hacking, one of the awesome tutorial.

    I am gonna stop looking for hacking and work on perl and read anybook that comes round.

    Thnx man.

  21. #23 by natpat on November 22, 2009 - 5:05 pm

    Hi There, just a quick thank you, I used your info on how to retrieve chat history on FB, (was hard to copy and paste though). The person’s chat had informed a third party that I had made certain comments. The copy of the chat revealed the truth, a small triumph, however it was my first attempt at this. So thanks..

  22. #24 by Tips and Tricks on November 25, 2009 - 11:48 pm

    Hacking Tips and Tricks

  23. #25 by lelouch-chan on November 28, 2009 - 12:13 am

    thank you for the interesting guide, after finding that my safety on internet wasn’t good enough I turned towards hacking to improve myself. I’m glad that there is a website like this which doesn’t teach hacking but helps one’s knowledge.

    In theory would you know where I am posting this from (does this log IP) + why the email?

  24. #26 by tweeks on December 1, 2009 - 12:35 am

    I read this same piece around 14 years ago. It explained a little to me about what direction to go. 14 years ago there werent any so called positions, well not that were attainable as quickly as they are today, that were so security minded. Today hackers are always in the media and companies look for these people. I started out learning how to get in, now i make money keeping people out. A hacker can always be a system administrator, but a system administrator can’t always be a hacker. Learning to be a hacker is learning to be a programmer with the understanding of the big picture behind the programming. Dont just try to learn to hack, learn to understand. True hackers will never call themselves a hacker, especially with the bad rep the name has gotten through the media and all the impatient kids/people who think you can learn to hack in a given period of time. Hacking is a life-long adventure, enjoy it.

  25. #27 by adil on December 3, 2009 - 4:51 pm

    its too nice

  26. #28 by Ringo on December 18, 2009 - 11:58 am

    I have recently taken a keen interest in hacking and have been able to find someone who knows what he is doing. However, I was discouraged for a time, because he refused to teach me anything. He kept telling me that I needed to learn on my own and that I should just read everything I could find about it. This blog helped me somewhat realize why he is telling me this. And my 1 question about this whole thing is where to draw the line between hacking and hacking without getting arrested. I would really like to know how to not get locked up for following what I am passionate about

  27. #29 by daniel amankwa on December 22, 2009 - 11:44 am

    pls i would love to lean how to hack.and i will be happy if i lean it.i need help from anyone who can help me.thank u.

  28. #30 by blessing on December 23, 2009 - 10:33 am

    i will like to be a hacker,can u pls send me detail to dis id

  29. #31 by Ollie on December 23, 2009 - 10:34 am

    I think I get what you’re saying – you need to know a hell of alot about computers! Good guide!

  30. #32 by Bani on December 23, 2009 - 1:22 pm

    I was always quite interested by the art of hacking. Yeah… it does kind of seem like an art no? And to add to it… it sounds sooo cool. As long as it’s not used to ruin other people’s lives of course (=_=”). I totally have to agree though, that by learning it YOURSELF day-by-day (even if it takes a number of years to master it) it’s way ‘cooler’ than begging someone else to teach you it. As long as it’s not smoking, learning something because it’s cool has nothing wrong with it~ XD Right now my minds squashed with school work already. Gotta get my official education sorted before i decide to get down into the art of hacking. Damn, it sounds cool. XD lol Awesome guide~!

  31. #33 by Ravi Thakkar on December 23, 2009 - 9:45 pm

    It’s Amizing and really it is very good

  32. #34 by on December 26, 2009 - 7:11 pm

    I hope the wave of kiddies, tryin’ to hack stop as fast as possible. On every Website with Tec Stuff are some user who think they are real Hackers :-(! it just have to Stop, its annoying. I never will be a hacker or smt. and i know that! Some of these kiddies should accept this fck too.

    TheRhodan ;)

  33. #35 by on December 27, 2009 - 10:29 pm

    ya’ll should have red the whole thing and stop asking things

  34. #36 by on December 30, 2009 - 4:49 am

    user223angel :
    thnx 4 d awesome

  35. #37 by Cresent Chaos on January 1, 2010 - 5:49 am

    Good guide, and thanks for letting the kiddies know that “Hacking” is a hard core thing… i have been here and there, you know discovering new stuff along the way.

    Well one thing that i want to say to the kiddies “Don’t post or go around asking for codes, etc. cause the first rule. “never trust someone you have just seen” in other words take your time to read books and make sure you are up to date with the net…

  36. #38 by Icy on January 1, 2010 - 10:18 pm

    Thanx…its really an inspiration.

  37. #39 by Pipustettiin on January 2, 2010 - 1:06 am

    I’m learning hack just to find ways to protect my website. so can you send me any guide?

  38. #40 by Pipustettiin on January 2, 2010 - 1:06 am

    uh oh sr thank!

  39. #41 by esa on January 4, 2010 - 4:03 am

    Every tutorial called “How to become an hacker is just a load of horseshit IMHO”. Being a hacker isn’t something you could “become” It’s a mixture of geniality, curiosity, and an innate talent. A kind of talent that come form inside and that no one could teach you with an “howto”.

    Search for the original Jargon file and take a look at it.

  40. #42 by Maze on January 10, 2010 - 5:09 am

    Wow it’s amazing really, all the people that ask dumb questions almost always have several spelling and punctual errors, write like their brains a dried prune. They will never learn.

  41. #43 by lazoo on January 13, 2010 - 7:14 am


  42. #44 by Backtracker on January 15, 2010 - 10:01 pm

    Ahaha, wargames. This is good, any updates, sir?

  43. #45 by xen on January 24, 2010 - 7:17 pm

    why you guys are always crying , crying and just crying about hacking !!! yeahh … this blog was really ammmazing but still not so useful. need some more and instant help about any topic on hacking …? so, stop crying and start doing. just email me at i am always ready to provide your need as far as hacking is concerned. i will always be here in this site for you. its an interesting site too. not bad. happy hacking friends.

  44. #46 by buxomat on January 25, 2010 - 3:44 am

    hi frndz i like to learn hacking..if u have any guide send me tis id pl help me to learn hacking.

  45. #47 by pradeep soni on February 2, 2010 - 2:35 am

    i want to know about hacking………
    pl help me if u know

  46. #48 by john on February 6, 2010 - 10:59 am

    jw can you hack myspace??

  47. #49 by RAVEN on February 8, 2010 - 2:31 pm

    Hiya great information, but alot has changed since the older windows systems well on a network basis anyway lol, i have been looking into sql injection, but cant get my head around it, but will continue playin cos i wanna play round with my mates server for the fun of it lol (not anarchy jus playful stuff haha)

  48. #50 by abdul mujahid on February 10, 2010 - 4:18 am

    hi; i want to study about computer hacking programs . and also how can i make these programming””’ plz so send me the free websites inwhich it is possible for me to make a program. that hacks other computers….so that i shall be very thankful to you

  49. #51 by Matthew on February 11, 2010 - 6:23 am

    thanks….. you put me in the hacking zone

  50. #52 by joe on March 4, 2010 - 1:03 pm

    i want to hack my school

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