How To Hack – Beginners Guide to Hacking Computers

“ The Only True Guide to Learning How to Hack ”

originally by R4di4tion , with a few updates by myself.

You stay up all night on the PC typing and typing. No, you’re not hacking. You’re begging someone on IRC to teach you how to hack! Let’s look at the facts:

  1. You’re a luser and you’re annoying. No one likes you if you ask others how to hack without taking the least amount of initiative.
  2. You’re not worthy of any title even resembling hacker, cracker, phreaker, etc., so don’t go around calling yourself that! The more you do, the less likely you are to find someone willing to teach you how to hack (which is an infinitesimal chance, any way).
  3. You’re wasting your time (if you couldn’t infer that in the first place). Many real hackers (not those shitty script kiddies) spend all their insomniac hours reading and, yes even, HACKING! (Hacking doesn’t necessarily (but usually does) mean breaking into another system. It could mean just working on your own system, BUT NOT WINDOWS ’9x (unless you’re doing some really menacing registry shit, in which case, you’re kind of cool).)

You’re probably thinking, “Then what should I do. If no one’s going to help me, how can I learn to hack?” Have you ever tried READING (I assume this far that you are literate). Read anything and everything you can get your hands on! I recommend hitting a computer store and looking for discount books (books that are usually out of date, but so are a lot of the systems on the ‘net, so they’re still relevant!). You’ll be surprised what you can learn from a book even when you’re paying a dollar for every hundred pages. I recommend the following books to start off with:

  • Maximum Security I or II: this is not a guide to hacking, despite what you might have heard, but you can get enough info to learn the basics of how hackers hack! (Isn’t that more fun than being lamed, email bombed, and kicked off IRC).
  • Practical Unix and Internet Security (Sec. Edition): This is mostly a book about how to secure Unix (if you don’t know what Unix is, either shoot yourself now, or read O’Reilly’s Learning the Unix OS), but half of learning to hack is learning a system from the inside out. How can you expect to hack a site (w/o using a kiddie script, which i must restate, is NOT hacking) if you don’t know how to use the system?!
  • Linux Unleashed/Red Hat Linux Unleashed: these books are kind of cool. First of all, they come with Red Hat Linux (*sigh*, just go to and read everything there) 5.1 and 5.2 respectively (if you get the newest versions of the book, which you should). Read everything you can from it.
  • Sendmail in a nutshell: This is only after you read everything else. Sendmail, for those of you who still don’t know, is a program that sends mail. It sounds stupid, but this is a buggy program, and usually is the avenue of attack many hackers take because of it’s vulnerabilities.
  • TCP/IP Blueprints: this will clear up a lot of things concerning TCP/IP.
  • TCP/IP Administration: haven’t read it, but can’t wait to! (I’ve been bogged down by a lot of other REAL computer stuff).

Editor’s Note: OK, some of these books are out of date now, so I’ve striked the ones that are no longer relevent. “Hacking Exposed” is a good substitute for “Maximum Security”.

After you’ve read them all, re-read them! Trust me, you gain a ton of information the second time you read them just as you gain perspicacity the second time through a movie with a twisted plot.
Then, read a ton of RFCs. RFCs are Request for Comments by the people who practically shaped the Internet. Here is a good list of RFCs (the books above give about the same list):

Editor’s Note: Yeah, I really wouldn’t bother with the RFC’s, they can come later if you get really seriously into it.

That’s it for now. If anything else interests you about the Internet, try to look up an RFC for it. Read anything you can about Internet security in general (but not stuff like “How to Hack” (but keep reading this!)). Subscribe to mailing lists. Some of my favorites are bugtraq, happy hacker (interesting stuff), and MC2. By now, you should be advanced enough to breeze through Carolyn Meinel’s “Guide to (mostly) Harmless Hacking.” It’s got some interesting stuff, but not enough to be “3l1t3.” Okay, now for the big step: the step from lamer to hacker! If you have not already, install Linux. Now it’s okay for you to go online to usenet groups and ask for help installing Linux, ‘cuz quite frankly, it’s pretty fucking hard! NEVER, EVER, EVER expect to get it on the first try just right.

Editor’s Note: you can install cygwin to start with, it’s a small linux environment that you can run inside windows to get the feel of a shell interface.

The next thing to do is learn programming. I recommend learning C++ first because it will help you understand a lot about programming, it’s easy to use, and is a lot like the other programming languages you should also learn. Read these books:

  • Teach Yourself C++ in 21 Days: the name says it all
  • Learning Perl: an AMAZING book on learning Perl
  • Programming Perl: the next step after Learning Perl
  • Perl Cookbook: the next step after Programming Perl
  • Core Java (Volume I & II): these books are by the makers of Java. Java is a really cool language to say the least, but you should at least learn C++ before so you can understand classes.

Now, you may be saying I may have been a bit hypocritical by saying not to ask how to hack but to ask about installing Linux. The thing is that Linux people are usually pretty nice, and the people who are Linux gurus want more than anything for Linux to prosper, and are willing to help you out. Oh, by the way, if you’ve installed Linux the way you want it (which does not include throwing you Linux box out the window and yelling, “I LIKE THIS JUST FINE!”), congratulations. You have now earned my respect.

Okay, I mentioned kiddie scripts earlier, and I’ll follow up on it now. Kiddie Scripts are auto hacking programs that will do all the work for you. You don’t want that. I do condone downloading them and learning from them, but don’t become a script kiddie. The only place they go in life is jail (not where you want to be).

Now, you should know a great deal about hacking. You have a compendium of information at your fingertips with a mental index. You want the best advice? Don’t hack. Odds are, you will get caught, and then it goes down on your criminal record, and unless you did something fan-fucking-tastic, like hacking the white house security cameras and get video of Slick Willie getting a BJ, you can pretty much kiss your computer future goodbye, cuz no one will hire a convicted hacker. If you do hack, be a white hat hacker. For example, upon breaking into a site, leave a note maybe including how to contact you (not through the phones, mail, real email address etc., do it through a hotmail account or something) or how to fix it. They may be nice enough to offer you a job! That’s right, there are some people who get paid to hack and do what they love.

In conclusion, you may have noticed that this was not a real guide to hacking. That’s because there is no one resource for hacking. This was a guide to LEARNING how to hack, which, if you want to be a real hacker, you will have to do. There is no one way to hack. (If so, it would be a lot easier for system administrators to keep you out!) It’s a variety of different tricks as well as the ability to keep up with current vulnerabilities in software and hardware. You should also learn how to program. Even though Kevin Mitnick was infamous among the hacker culture for being the most wanted cracker, he couldn’t even write his own exploits! That’s pretty sad. Please use whatever information you have wisely and responsibly, and distribute it only to people who are worthy of it.

(end of article – originally by R4di4tion .)

OK, so that’s the article that first got me into hacking, I guess around 15 years ago. If you’ve read this far I congratulate you, you have my respect. A short attention span is not something prized by hackers.

And if you look at the comments to this page, you can see the same questions being asked again and again “hey pls teach me to hack”, “guys can u crack msn passwords?”, “Where can I find free ebooks?”. If you have to ask, you’re probably not the right kind of person to be a hacker. Hackers use their initiative. Like, a lot. If you’re hacking into a website and get stuck, you can’t just call up the admin and say “Hey, where’s the password file kept?” you have to figure it out on your own. In many ways, learning how to hack is also learning how to learn.

Now you’re probably thinking “hang on, you read this fifteen years ago?!?!”. Yes, it’s an old piece of text. No, you didn’t waste your time. This hacking tutorial teaches you the basics of how to hack, and those aren’t ever going to change. If you didn’t catch them the first time around, here they are again:

  1. learn to program
  2. learn how the internet works
  3. learn how unix/linux works

Go download wireshark, nmap, hping, and a C IDE and just play around with all of them. That’s what the essence of hacking is; messing around with technologies until you find something cool. Check out my Hacking Facebook post and you’ll see exactly what I mean; it’s not really “hacking” as such, all I did there was peek into facebook’s code using firebug, and I found some cool stuff. But the hacking skills are the same. Some of you will want to ask “how do I download wireshark” or “how do I use hping” – you must understand that answering the question for yourself is half the point.

I also very definitely agree with R4di4tion’s suggestion to subscribe to bugtraq but I’d suggest signing up a new email account solely for it; it’s very high volume. You may also want to sign up to the security-basics, vuln-dev, web-application-security and pen-test lists. Reading the conversations that take place on those lists is a gold-mine of hacking information.

ESR’s hacker howto

Gary Robson’s How to become a hacker

elfQrin’s open letter to wannabe hackers

donk boy’s tutorial – if you follow this you will know everything you need to

Top security tools, as voted by nmap users

Your suggestions/experiences/advice/resources/tutorials welcome.

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  1. #1 by dane on April 17, 2009 - 10:11 pm

    this is nice..

    thank you.. ^^

  2. #2 by codeherd on April 22, 2009 - 8:04 pm

    nice tut.. thanks! :)

  3. #3 by user24 on April 24, 2009 - 4:43 am

    @sami; lol. Did you even read the article? The whole point is to learn how to do it yourself! What if you didn’t have that amazing VB code to hand?

    It’s like saying “what’t the point in learning to fix my car, when here’s the number of a mechanic”

  4. #4 by eraser on April 30, 2009 - 8:08 am

    what is an uploaded page

  5. #5 by xstaticx on May 1, 2009 - 2:12 am

    Hi,im a truely beginner,what is the 1st step or basic 2 become a hacker

    • #6 by user24 on May 1, 2009 - 4:02 am

      Just follow the advice above :) Don’t be tempted down the easy path, you’ll learn nothing that way. Read, read, read!

    • #7 by bharath on May 4, 2009 - 7:39 pm

      xstaticx :Hi,im a truely beginner,what is the 1st step or basic 2 become a hacker

  6. #8 by im gana read! on May 7, 2009 - 3:39 pm

    yo man thanks… i realy dont no if ur syn the truth or nah… but yeah i will get all the books that u named abov….

    and gues wat dont reaply bk 2 my msn coz its not my 1 ..thanks agin

    take care ah

  7. #9 by ellak dike on May 10, 2009 - 11:08 am

    heyo this is ridiculous anywys its of two sides good and bad .if you use it well its better than that of hacking into people’s account and all that so i hope that you guys will use well and not cause problems for people.

  8. #10 by ellak dike on May 10, 2009 - 11:15 am

    anywyz i have a friend who can hack into computers whereby the users have forgoten their own passwords .i think thatz a positive hacker .this hacking issues should be taken seriously and we beginners can help combat negative hackers to help our societies.thankx

  9. #11 by wat on May 13, 2009 - 4:31 pm

    This thing was written in like… what, 1993?

    • #12 by user24 on May 14, 2009 - 2:15 am

      yeah somewhere around that time I think. Still very relevant, and still a hell of a lot better than 90% of the “hacking” tutorials out there. :P ;)

  10. #13 by T on May 14, 2009 - 8:14 pm

    I looked at the “Teach Yourself C++ In 21 Days” book but while I was reading all it was telling me was what C++ was and how it worked, it wouldn’t tell me how to do it or use it. Maybe I should read on but if there is a better alternative I would be grateful to anyone who can tell me.

  11. #14 by T on May 14, 2009 - 8:27 pm

    This is the website that I used, because I just found this page about 30 minutes ago

    Is it enough or should I just find a better one?

    • #15 by user24 on May 15, 2009 - 1:51 am

      that’s the one, it’s worth working through it. The first “day” doesn’t cover very much at all, but if you stick with it it gets good from week 2 onwards. Week 1 is really just a general introduction to the C language; if you already know how to program then it won’t help you much. But if you’ve never programmed before then it’s well worth the effort reading, because A LOT of languages are based on C, so by learning C you’ll also learn most of PHP, JS, and other common languages.

      I recommend devcpp as the IDE, it’s pretty good. Microsoft also give away the express versions of their IDEs, but they’re a little complicated.

    • #16 by raphael on May 24, 2009 - 3:54 am

      nice website man for beginners…..
      but dont know whether relavent in todays time or nt

      • #17 by user24 on May 25, 2009 - 8:02 am

        That’s exactly the point – most other tutorials will become irrelevant over time, whereas this one is timeless. That’s why this one is one of the most useful you can possibly read.

  12. #18 by LOW on May 15, 2009 - 3:51 am

    … XD

    Ah yes, the kiddies that assume they can hack, simply XD

  13. #19 by yusuf on May 15, 2009 - 5:02 pm

    pls am a new leaner here, am a computer science student,year2.
    i need help on any boo for available for me on net,pls help me to send it to my mail box,thanks

  14. #20 by T on May 15, 2009 - 6:56 pm

    I downloaded the Dev C++ Compiler, but I don’t really understand how to use it, maybe I am being a pain, but I would love some help.

    For the “Hello World” program that you are supposed to do on day 1 of “Teach Yourself C++ In 21 Days”, do you write the script in notepad and then put it into the compiler, or just do it in the compiler and hit the compile button?

    • #21 by user24 on May 16, 2009 - 3:55 am

      Sorry, I haven’t actually used devcpp for ages.

      You type (or paste) the program code into the main IDE window, and then click the Execute menu -> Compile

      The screenshot should clear things up

      You might have to go File->New->Project or something first. There are some tutorials here:

      Part of the trainging to be a hacker is finding information on your own though. Most of the time when you’re attacking a system you won’t have anyone to ask about it and you’ll need these type of information discovery skills.

      See, a lot of “hacking” tutorials will just tell you in a step-by-step way: download this software, click “Attack”, type in “blah di blah” tick the checkbox and press enter and that’s it you’ve hacked the site. If it doesn’t work then try another site.

      That’s not going to teach you anything! Just how to use some programs that someone approaching a *real* hacker wrote. What if you want to hack into a specific site and that program doesn’t work against it?

      To be a real hacker you need to learn how to learn ;)

    • #22 by Nilabhra on September 15, 2009 - 10:41 am

      get yourself beginners guide to C++. Its pretty good. AND TELLS YOU HAW TO USE COMPILERS

  15. #23 by s on May 28, 2009 - 3:01 am

    hey im trying to learn about hacking but me too have done stupid things like serching for how to hack and serching for hacking softwares and tools and also i downloaded those and done useless things ,but i learned acctually how to be a hacker from this , and thanks for publishing a thing like this…………….(“”) to guide us to the right path.<<>>

  16. #24 by Candii on May 28, 2009 - 11:03 pm

    Thanks ^_^ reallllii helped. gunna hack my skool admins compuer account >.<

  17. #25 by on June 3, 2009 - 7:53 am

    haha.. many words.. lazy to read.. x3 but, how will you know the codes??

  18. #26 by on June 3, 2009 - 7:56 am

    haha! hack ur skool admin??! lol nice !! x3 haha

  19. #27 by Raj on June 4, 2009 - 5:54 am

    will u send me tips so i can becam e a small hacker i m just a beginer

  20. #28 by samsideen on June 4, 2009 - 10:28 am

    pls.i need a friend so that i can be put through

  21. #29 by Vlad on June 7, 2009 - 10:19 am

    Try out python. It is by far the best laguage to start off with. Easy to learn, and VERY powerful. I’d say it is a much better way to learn classes.

    • #30 by user24 on June 8, 2009 - 12:59 am

      IMO any language is good to start with, but I’d personally recommend sticking to C-based-syntax because it’s so widely used. Once you’ve learned C then picking up PHP or javascript or even VB.NET or Java won’t be too hard because it looks very similar.

  22. #31 by TechMann on June 23, 2009 - 5:35 pm

    Hello Friend, I just came across your site as am brousing to find information on how to become a professional hacker. I am going through the information above. I need your help cus am a newbie. How do I start. I hate to start and fail.

    Hope to hear from you soon

  23. #32 by Grim on June 25, 2009 - 8:45 pm

    Hello, i came upon this guide because im bored out of my mind anddecided to pick up a hobbie, etc. a bunch of bullshit you could care less about… but somthing you might care about is the learn c++ in 21 days book, i was gonna get it but i found this site and its pretty much the buck online… anyone that wants use it

  24. #33 by Taylor^-^ on June 29, 2009 - 11:05 am

    Wow. This really helps me. I wish there were a way to do this for people who have absolutely no money or access to a book store, but I’ll try to get all the books. ^-^

    • #34 by user24 on June 30, 2009 - 3:22 am

      There are web programming tutorials that you can use too. I find that buying a physical book provides good motivation, as well as the chance to get some offline time.

  25. #35 by shaun on July 1, 2009 - 12:24 pm

    hey i am just starting to learn and to walk on ur sayings
    i know c language
    but i zero in hacking types matter please tell me the idea to be hero
    pls advice me as i m just learner

  26. #36 by mykel on July 3, 2009 - 1:58 am

    i want to know on how to a system
    …pls give me an idea
    give me one example how to hack

  27. #37 by t^e^m^p^t^E^d on July 3, 2009 - 3:48 am


  28. #38 by Perry Mason on July 5, 2009 - 2:49 am

    I wonder how many people actually read this entire post, AND it’s comments. Certainly not those who asked you, “Hi, I’m a beginner, how do I get started?”. They are unaware of the fact that, given their lack of initiative in finding knowledge, they are least likely to be successful in mastering computer systems and software, which is all “hacking” really is.

    Here’s a freebie: Inserting this character entity, known as a “soft hyphen”, “& s h y ;” (without the spaces or the quotes!) into the middle of a swear word, you can defeat many word-filters on various forums which are used to filter out any profane language.

    Basically, it’s a command script that operates in the background, thus it is not seen when you actually post your comment in a thread. It tells whatever framework you’re operating in that the word should be hyphenated at the point it is inserted, for the purposes of hyphenating a word at the end of a line, and printing the rest of the word at the beginning of the next line, so that you don’t have to simply type the entire word at the beginning of the next line. I’d personally rather not hyphenate in that fashion, but when used to keep your posts from being censored by a word filter, they come in very handy. So if you typed the word “fuck”, it would be detected and censored, but if you typed “fu& s h y ;ck”, it would appear as the whole word “fuck” when you posted it in the forum you were in, thus defeating the word filter, as the word filter is only programmed to recognize and censor “fuck”, but NOT “fu& s h y ;ck”. Know how I found this out? I searched all over till I found out how to do it.

    Self-initiative ftw, fu& s h y ;ck yeah!!!

  29. #39 by Perry Mason on July 5, 2009 - 2:54 am

    Holy shit, it’s late and I’m stupid tired. I failed to realize that the “invisible” script I attempted to show you all is INVISIBLE, therefore you’ll not be able to actually see it!!! So here it goes again, and when you use this, eliminate the spaces, and insert it into the middle of the naughty word you wish to not have censored: & s h y ;

    • #40 by user24 on July 5, 2009 - 3:39 am

      hehe. nice little trick. I’ve edited your original comment. Thanks for sharing that. I bet you could also use it to spoof usernames.

      Like, register at a forum as ad& s h y ;min to appear as “admin”. [evil grin goes here]

    • #41 by gianfun on October 31, 2009 - 8:49 am

      Man. This is amazing!
      Thanks for sharing!
      srsly, this is vry cool XD.

      And yeah, I agree, no one even seems to have read this whole page. And they want to become hackers… Poor them.

      Also, I would like to thank user24 for posting this! This page is really useful. I’m now just floating through the site, which is great!

  30. #42 by nightpeltz on July 10, 2009 - 9:13 pm

    so… what language should i learn first?

    • #43 by user24 on July 11, 2009 - 1:02 am

      I’d recommend C/C++. If you haven’t ever programmed before, then maybe PHP or javascript just to get used to the basics. But C is such a well-established language, and many many other languages owe allegiance to C, so if you know C, you’ll find it easy to pick up lots of other C-based languages.

      Commercially speaking, PHP or Java will get you well paid jobs.

      • #44 by nightpeltz on July 11, 2009 - 1:48 am

        thx for the advice. im a total newbie and im eager to learn how to hack… I haven’t programmed b4 so ill start with javascript..

  31. #45 by mike on July 20, 2009 - 5:33 am

    please can any one teach me how to hack i want to be a hacker please help me please,just help me please later we can settle if you want i we pay for the service please i want to know how to hack

  32. #46 by wei on July 23, 2009 - 2:15 am

    hacker is so interesting,,,
    I like that…
    and my first lesson, I’ll do it…
    second lesson, I’ll do it…
    3rd lesson…I’LL DO IT…

  33. #47 by racerxnox on August 4, 2009 - 8:52 am

    Hey there ,nice info there..
    i need some help too.
    i know c++ without pointers and java too..
    also i have used red hat linux……
    nd have some knowledge about the ips and dns etc….
    but m still not able to hack..
    can u tell me the elment which i m missin???so that i can learn that and atleast try gettin into somethin..
    also can u tell me how to get into another pc in a LAN network without knowin the ip address??
    thank u!!

    • #48 by toosecret on August 8, 2009 - 12:21 pm

      About hacking into others com on LAN, you can easely just find yourselfs ip address !on the LAN net!, then go to cmd, and ping familar ipadresses until u find 1 that is “positive”, then the rest u should know, else read the books.
      Just an easy way to do it ;)

      • #49 by toosecret on August 8, 2009 - 10:24 pm

        No sry, hehe, i know alot about ONE THING, everything else i don’t know a bit about, hehe, typical me, sry.

        • #50 by racerxnox on August 9, 2009 - 12:33 am

          ok so temme the one thing u know about a lot!!
          help me to hack!!

  34. #51 by mister me on August 6, 2009 - 12:51 am

    any know how to hack into bank systems. i found a firewall that will boggle your mind. it is so complex i have spent a good number of days trying to but no luck. i have even gone back to basics to see if it was a lesson i skipped. please help

  35. #52 by CrackaCrack on August 14, 2009 - 3:01 pm

    This isn’t true,

    CrackaCrack ~~

  36. #53 by racerxnox on August 15, 2009 - 6:09 am

    Hey,can anyone help me crack the Wi-Fi code of my college.I have been using aircrack,but i am still unable to crack it!!
    plz help!

  37. #54 by phr4g on August 18, 2009 - 2:22 am

    This is really interesting. Read the tut, and all the comments. I should look into this further. :) Thanks to those who gave useful and interesting information (especially Perry for the soft hyphen entity :)

  38. #55 by Hani on August 19, 2009 - 2:51 am

    Just testing the soft hyphen entity :P

    fuck fu&shyck :D

    • #56 by user24 on August 19, 2009 - 4:22 am

      yeah, I don’t filter words, and you need a semicolon on the end, like this: fu&sh­y;ck

  39. #57 by I like to help! on August 19, 2009 - 12:27 pm

    I have a suggestion. If you are a absolute beginner like me, go to this link:

    Its a guy named bucky that teaches you different programming languages. Even if you think you are stupid you can understand this. Read this before you read any books PLEASE!

    I can ALMOST promise you will not regret going to his channel if you are into computers!


  40. #58 by Me on August 24, 2009 - 5:26 am

    I think hackin shouldn’t be bassed on programes and stuff like bots, i think it shuld be the HACKER not the BOT that does it, human mind is capable of a lot more than a program that’s alwais limited,
    Thatnks for your atention.

  41. #59 by boss on August 24, 2009 - 7:12 am

    i think this article is realy nice,i also agree that
    every hacker should know how to find info
    by himself.hacking isnt something u learn in a day, u have 2 work hard 2 become one….oh
    thanx 2 perry 4 that awesome stunt.

  42. #60 by Yusif on August 25, 2009 - 5:38 am

    i am a newb and dont know anything about hacking but i am going to get started on reading linux books then c language. hopfully with enough reading i can get somewhere. just want basic understanding about hw to do a little hacking on linux. If anyone could post book titles which would get me started would be much appricated. thanks guys!

  43. #61 by user223angel on August 31, 2009 - 12:11 am

    thnx 4 d awesome tutorial!!!

  44. #62 by canadianwordverification on September 6, 2009 - 4:07 pm

    read all comments on page…whew

  45. #63 by Dick Smiley on September 7, 2009 - 4:13 am

    Ya must beya pitty if yall cant read a couple of da­mn books. I’m no newbie, I served 5 years in Jail because I hacked into a police station. “I breath computers” I don’t just hack, I tap into telephone conversasations and record them. Shoot, I can even hack into store surveilence cameras and watch it like TV while i’m on a popcorn binge.

  46. #64 by Hani on September 7, 2009 - 6:18 pm

    user24 :
    yeah, I don’t filter words, and you need a semicolon on the end, like this: fu&sh­y;ck

    lol fu­ck you ><
    I learned by the way how this works , 20 days later i learned HTML/XHTML and CSS and learning Javascrpit these days :)))

  47. #65 by wellal on September 7, 2009 - 10:37 pm

    kindly send me hacking tips

  48. #66 by juanelo on September 9, 2009 - 4:22 pm

    tell me how to hack plis

  49. #67 by Mr Smith on September 18, 2009 - 9:46 am

    Good read, thx man.

    Only piece of advise to the rest of you, follow the advise given by the experienced (No not me). But don’t do the don’ts, like juanelo.

  50. #68 by McCool on September 18, 2009 - 1:16 pm

    I came acroos your website and this is a solid tutorial on how to become a hacker. I’ve been around for a few years, and I found myself stuck on a certain level. This is a good guidance towards becoming a hacker. I use Backtrack a lot and learning new stuff every week. Allthough, this is more based on the scriptkiddie style than the good way. You showed the way……. TNX ;-)

    • #69 by ra on October 1, 2009 - 8:27 pm

      teach me how to hack any one ur enrich i think so i m poor plez

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