Posts Tagged web

Launching a new blog

As some of you know, I got married last October. Budgeting was a difficult thing to do, so I’ve decided to try to help out newly-engaged couples with a UK focused wedding budget blog.

Now, I know that’s not really the kind of thing most puremango readers will be interested in, so in this post I’m going to talk about the process of launching a new blog in your spare time. At the moment it’s too early to say whether will be a success or not – it’s been going for less than 2 months right now (814 visitors to date), but hopefully you’ll get some idea of how much (or little) time and effort it takes to put something like this together.

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What Being Number One On Google Gets You

I’ve been collecting information on how much traffic Google send to me across my various domain names. I’ve found the results rather interesting and quite useful, and so I thought I’d share them. Note: This is based only on four data points. Skip to the ‘related work’ section at the bottom for some links to studies which are more involved, but which lack my deeply elegant wordsmithery and the soothing pixelated green header that puremango has become world famous for… (ahem)
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Making Money With Wallpaper Domains… ish

Hello readers :)

As some of you may know, I am a domain fiend. I actually have no idea how many domains I own right now, but it’s somewhere in the low double figures. Most are pipedream projects which either never saw the light of day, or did but failed due to lack of effort on my part. But I’m not going to talk about the failures today.

I’m going to talk about the very modest success I’ve seen in an unlikely place: Wallpaper domains.

In this post I’m going to walk through exactly what I’ve put in and what I’ve got out of these domains, and maybe I’ll reach some clever way of quantifying whether it’s worth it or not.

I’m going to tell you right now up front: We’re talking £45 profit over two years here. This is not a story of overnight success.
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Your contact form sucks

Good web design is not about pretty pictures. Neither is it about using web standards. It’s about having a user-centric, task-focused philosophy.

What does that mean?

It means instead of starting your design with a mental picture of what everyone else does, or what people say you ‘should’ be doing, or what you’ve done in the past, or what you can make money from, you instead start from what the user wants to achieve. You focus your entire site on connecting users with solutions to their problems.

A great example of task-focused design is Google’s homepage. The user’s task is “I want to find information”, so the dominant feature on the page is the search query box. That makes sense. It’s not a particularly pretty page, it’s not even a web-standards compliant page, Google don’t make any money directly from the homepage, and it’s certainly not there via an examination of what their competition are doing.

It’s there because Google know that great web design is centered solidly around building sites which enable their users to complete the tasks they want to. Solving a user’s problem is delivering a great experience. Sites which deliver great experiences tend to do well. It’s that simple. Google’s homepage funnels users into a highly optimised revenue-generating page by presenting users with a UI which allows them to solve their pain very quickly. Google instant and auto-suggest all feed into this philosophy of reducing the amount of time the user’s problem is unsolved for.

Back to the humble contact form. What is the user’s pain that you’re solving, the task that your task-centric UI is solving? For contact forms, it’s easy – the user wants to send you a message, that’s why they came to your contact form.

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Why your web app won’t work

Your idea is a (tick all that apply):

[ ] Social
[ ] Discovery
[ ] Cookery
[ ] Video
[ ] Gaming
[ ] Music
[ ] Shopping
[ ] Business
[ ] Technical

tool which makes peoples lives easier by:

[ ] Giving them things for free that they used to pay for.
[ ] Showing them interesting things in their local area.
[ ] Allowing them to do things anywhere that they used to have to do at home on a PC.
[ ] Allowing easy access to relevant information about what’s in front of them.
[ ] Suggesting things they can do or make which they wouldn’t have thought of otherwise.
[ ] Suggesting new content based on the content they or their friends consume.
[ ] Giving them discounts when they buy via your app.
[ ] Making tasks take minutes that used to take hours.
[ ] Creating a new way of sharing things with their friends.

It won’t work because: Read the rest of this entry »

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A Pointless Update?

This is a pointless update.

I haven’t updated this blog for over a month. Google likes it when I update frequently. So I’m doing a pointless update to see what Google does. Last year I started updating the blog every two weeks and have noticed a huge increase in search traffic since then (anecdotal evidence I know, but controlled experiments on SEO are difficult).

Now my updates are less frequent, my traffic has dipped a little again. So I’m hoping that this update will cause my traffic to increase again.

So it’s not really a pointless update, it’s part of an experiment to see how Google responds. And in fact, I’ve actually managed to turn this into a vaguely interesting post about search engines after all, so the experiment is probably hopeless flawed. But read on if you’re interested in some chatter about how search engines like Google actually work.
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jQuery simple dialog plugin; 1.5kB minified

jQuery liteDialog is a very lightweight modal dialog plugin for jQuery. It’s designed as an “I don’t care about the features I just want to pop up a little message” plugin.

Download the source on github or Open a quick demo to see how it looks.

jQuery.liteDialog.js weighs in at 1.5kB minified, and requires just one file. It’s designed to be blindingly simple to deploy and use, but also features a few basic options should you need them.
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What is the point of HTML 5?

HTML 5 is making a huge splash. It’s like web2.0 all over again. I think it’s a massively important moment in the history of the web, but I also think it’s slightly off-center in terms of where the web should be heading.

It’s difficult to say what the web “started out” as, because there was really no single distinct moment of inception. Sir Tim Berners-Lee cobbled together a program to combine already-extant Internet and hypertext systems, but the primary purpose for this ‘web’ of his was to be a document organisation and retrieval system. In fact I think Sir Tim even wanted the web to be editable, so Wikipedia is more or less what he had in mind.

That’s a telling legacy. The web was designed to be an interconnected system of text. Or a decentralised system of text. Or a self-organising system of text. But always: a system of text.
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Six years of blogging – lessons learned

I’ve had over 1.5 million visits and over 2 million page views, I’ve earned nearly $3000 in adsense, and been linked to from W3C and xkcd, and I look to the future of puremango with optimism. But it wasn’t always this way. The journey started with all the counters on zero.

Six years ago today I registered my first domain name as a place to dump my code and generally show off my spare-time projects, silly little pieces of code that had no real business traction and so wouldn’t see the light of day at work. I wrestled with a few cringe-worthy domain names (stuff like before I decided that going abstract was the way forward, and was born.

So I thought it would be interesting to review the lessons learned over the last six years as a blogger. If you’re a blogger just starting out, or you’re thinking of starting a blog, or even if you’ve got a blog that you don’t really keep up with, I hope you’ll be able to learn from my mistakes, and perhaps even be inspired by my moderate success.

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Ten Ideas

Being a hacker is all about the open sharing of ideas. So why do I keep my list of ‘projects in development’ so close to my chest? Inspired by tales of R&D departments with security measures the military would weep at? Enchanted by the notion that my ideas are worth millions, I just need to unleash them, then sit back and watch the cash roll in? Yeah, that’s pretty much it!

Yep, until very recently I was an idea hoarder. But inspired by Jacques Mattheij’s recent outpouring of his ideas, I’ve changed my attitude. I’m in good company – the folks at ycombinator have shared their list of “ideas we want to fund“, the people at have an entire social ecosystem based around sharing ideas, and the Six Month MBA team have listed a whopping 999 business ideas for anyone to pick up and use.

Why share my ideas? Ideas are often said to be worthless until implemented. I’d objected to that sentiment in the past, being a big ideas person. But now I can see there’s truth in it – a bad idea implemented excellently will trump a good idea implemented poorly, and as Paul Graham says: “imaginative people will take (the ideas) in directions we didn’t anticipate”, and “No matter what your idea, there’s someone else out there working on the same thing”. Sharing something multiplies its value.

I encourage you to share your ideas with the community too, because:

  1. Someone’s probably already thought of it anyway – no need to keep it secret
  2. You haven’t done anything with it yet – so maybe you’re not the right person to bring it forward
  3. Inspiring others benefits everyone- let’s talk about these ideas, and create new ones
  4. You’re not as clever as you’d like to think – others can see problems and opportunities that you can’t
  5. Sharing ideas can kickstart the product – if everyone says “wow I like this”, then you know what to do

So without further ado, ten ideas I’m thinking about:

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