Posts Tagged tools

What Being Number One On Google Gets You

I’ve been collecting information on how much traffic Google send to me across my various domain names. I’ve found the results rather interesting and quite useful, and so I thought I’d share them. Note: This is based only on four data points. Skip to the ‘related work’ section at the bottom for some links to studies which are more involved, but which lack my deeply elegant wordsmithery and the soothing pixelated green header that puremango has become world famous for… (ahem)
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Google Instant Launches

Kapow! And the web wakes up and scrambles over itself to play with google’s latest, pretty bold, innovation in search: search-as-you-type, or in Google-speak “Google Instant”.

The new feature combines autosuggest with realtime search. The video below demoes the functionality, and it’s live right now on the search giant’s homepage if you’re signed in to your google account.

Here are some quick and dirty first impressions:

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Writing a JavaScript app in 10k (#aea10k)

Two weeks ago I discovered the 10k JavaScript contest organised by An Event Apart. It challenged developers to “inspire the web with just 10K”. I knew I’d be cutting things fine with just 11 days left before the deadline (including 5 at work and 3 on holiday!) but I was desperate to enter an application.

You can play with the final entry right here – – voting closes today so please be generous with your votes and comments. I’ve literally just now come back from holiday so I haven’t had a chance to badger everyone to vote yet. Go and vote! ;)

The idea’s been kicking around my head for a while: Read the rest of this entry »

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Fast PHP – effective optimisation and bottleneck detection

PHP is not the fastest language on earth. That honour probably goes to machine code. But like many high-level languages, PHP provides some handy abstractions, like named variables, hashmaps (associative arrays), a C-like syntax, object oriented capabilities, loose typing and so on – we trade processing speed for development ease.

So it’s quite a common problem that people find their large PHP web applications running quite slowly.

Here are some frequently encountered bottlenecks found in web applications generally, and PHP specifically:

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Super Useful Web Dev Tools

OMG, it’s been a whole month since my last update.

I have draft posts about all kinds of Good Stuffâ„¢, but none are quite publishable yet. So today I’m just going to point you at a few great resources I use all the time while doing my web development magic:

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Break out of infinite alert() popups!

How many times have you been developing in javascript and said “I’ll just pop it in an alert”, alt-tab, refresh and then the sudden sinking feeling as you realise that you’re about to get 300 alert popups?

Damn! Now you have to sit there and press OK a bajillion times, or restart the browser – which is a pain because you’ll lose all your tabs, and more importantly you’ll lose your concentration while you load everything up again.

We’ve all been there. But recently I found a neat little trick to break out of infinite javascript alert loops in firefox:

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Backup your files in the cloud with Dropbox

How does 2 gig of free online storage sound? Well you can with this really sweet application! I’ve been using it for 6 months and it’s just great to be able to “set it and forget”; once a file is in my dropbox I know I can blow up my PC and still have full backups. That’s a good feelin’ :0)

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Hacking Facebook

Wersja Polska

Hacking Facebook with Javascript

now updated for the latest (March 2010) version of facebook!

Because facebook relies so heavily on javascript, and because we can type javascript into the address bar, that means we can “poke” into the workings of facebook to do things that we wouldn’t normally be able to do. It’s not “hacking” exactly, but it employs the same sort of skills hackers use when looking into applications. The best part is that because it’s all using the same control codes (or “API”) that facebook uses, there’s no way for facebook to find out you’re doing it, so it’s totally safe! (I think…) Besides, we’re not going to be doing anything too dodgy, just a few little tweaks ;)

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Firefox Extensions

Firefox has been a massively innovative browser; bringing tabbed browsing and plugins to the masses. Here I list what I consider to be essential firefox plugins (aka extensions). This list is quite old now and some of these have been incorporated into firefox. I’ll be writing an updated list soon, in the meantime, let me know in the comments what extensions/plugins/tweaks and hacks you love!

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Neat Windows Tools

Most of these tools have a computer security slant, some cannot be classified under any other term than ‘hacking tools’, so be careful when running them, especially if you don’t know what they do. Tools that interact with a network in a potentially dangerous way are marked with ‘D’. Read the rest of this entry »

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